Destination Wellness MN
Destination Wellness MN
All Things Wellness In MN
Destination Wellness MN focuses on promoting and educating about the MANY aspects of Wellness in MN including business spotlights, events, and services. We also look forward to networking with the holistic and allied health community.
Here are a couple of quick resources for future use:
Email - Send us a note. Or sign up for our new Destination Wellness MN email newsletter including business spotlights and info on upcoming classes and future professional networking events. Send us an email at - and ask to sign up for email newsletter.
Like our new FB Page - Destination Wellness MN
( ) For the public and Practitioners alike. We post Wellness information and encouragement weekly.
Website- We will have our site completed and up and running this Fall. Here, Holistic and Natural Health Practitioners will be able to sign up for paid promotional services as well as enjoy free resources and information. The public will also get to learn what wellness services are available in our state.
This site will also be an information hub for the public and Practitioner alike.
Twitter- yep, find us at @destination_mn
Instagram - sure, we are at @destinationwellnessmn